
1. Thank you for the great inspiration you have been in my studies. I have truly been blessed by your spirit, comments, and desire to share God's word, and to teach others how to share it too.
2. (From a student who just completed his bachelor's degree.) I have been missing something in my life for the past week. TU has blessed my life so much that missing it for a whole week has left me feeling not too great. Please, what should i do to start my Masters in Biblical Counseling? I cant wait again until next month, I just want to get back to studying again. God bless you.
3. Therapon University Testimonials Thank you for the workbooks. The more I minister to drug addicts , alcoholics , prostitutes , homosexuals , leisbiens , and adult and juvinile imates ; the more I see the need for Christian Based Restoritive Justice. I had the oppertunity to preach out of one of the juvinile homes I was locked up in 23 years ago. To people who think just because they came from a bad background or they were in Special Education and can never get out of where they are , this is what happens when you allow Jesus Christ take charge. I was addicted to drugs from the age of 14-38 years old. I had three overdoses by the time I was 15 years old. I would prostitute myself for my habits as a teenager which also resulted in homosexuallity. When God delivered me at the age of 38 years old : he told me," The pit I brought you out of I will send you back to, to get my people."
That was over 11 years ago and I will be 50 years old July 27th of this year. all through my Bachalors Degree in ministry and the courses I have taken from Therapon University{ Masters in Theology in Discipline in Restoritive Justice } ; my lowest grade is an A. This testimony is for anyone who needs to share it with anyone or needs it themselves. Jude 22,23 You can't snatch someone out of the fire, if you don't go to the fire to get them. I pray that this testimony will touch someone and they will realize that alot of people are not given a chance in some churches with my background. Reachig the lost may not always be people how are not easy to deal with , but God did say, ALL WHO CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED !
4. Dear Dr. Linda Ratcliff, If the world had gotten more people like you it would have been a better place than it is now. I believe that God had used you, as an instrument of honor in His hands, to plant this Therapon University to lift His name on high and for the betterment of those who are called by Him into His Vineyard. You do make a difference in my life and Ministry. Your godly advice and support, especially during the writing of my ThD dissertation, has made me a strong and driven individual and I will forever be grateful and indebted to you for that. I do, by God's grace, express my profound appreciation and gratitude to you and the Therapon University community for supporting and encouraging me in fulfilling my educational and ministry goals. May he Lord God richly bless you all in Jesus' name. Amen!
5. As a graduate of your wonderful, available biblical school of theology and counseling, I would like you to know how much I have enjoyed working with you, and appreciate the opportunity to have completed my Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree in Biblical Counseling with Therapon University. For those of us who are in full time ministry, the correspondence school, along with high accountability, is greatly appreciated. We are able to complete our studies without interrupting our ministry. As you know, I have been doing pastoral counseling for over ten years. As much as I desired to complete my education, I didn't see a way, but God made a way through Therapon University.
6. What can I say, except two little words, "Thank you", and may the Lord continue to bless Therapon and all of you that are involved.
7. Thank you for the lessons. They have indeed been a blessing to me. Thank you for keeping to this vision. Mega blessings.
8. As a graduate of your wonderful, available biblical school of theology and counseling, I would like you to know how much I have enjoyed working with you, and appreciate the opportunity to have completed my Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree in Biblical Counseling with Therapon University. For those of us who are in full-time ministry, the correspondence school, along with high accountability, is greatly appreciated. We are able to complete our studies without interrupting our ministry. As you know, I have been doing pastoral counseling for over ten years. As much as I desired to complete my education, I didn't see a way, but God made a way through Therapon University.
9. I have a need to learn how to manage my time and praise be to the LORD God almighty that during this course he has been teaching the various aspects of even time management. But do pray for me that the word that has been sown may bring forth fruit and not be snatched away by the devil. Thanks and God bless the person who is taking the pain to educate youngsters like us. Heaven admires your work and surely you will be rewarded for your hard work.
10. Changing Lenses is the best book on Restorative Justice that I have ever read.
11. I received my workbook and new courses today. Thank you so very much. I have mailed a $200.00 check today to be applied to my account. I can honestly say that my life has been changed and I have a deeper relationship with the Lord because of the learning experience I have had through Therapon University. My studies through Therapon University have been among the richest experiences I have ever had in my life.
12. I just wanted to express my gratitude to you and Therapon University for aiding me in fulfilling my educational and ministry goals. The courses have been an immense help! I know that this training will continue to aid me as I minister to the body of Christ and to hurting world around me. Words cannot adequately express my thanks. May God continue to bless you.
13. I would suggest that you put a warning label on the counseling courses that states, " Do not begin unless you are ready to take a hard look in the mirror." It was a great help to me personally and I have already had the opportunity to use some of it in my teaching at the Decatur Correctional Center, which is a State of Illinois medium security facility for women. I have been guilty of baptizing secular ideology in the past. These courses totally recalibrated my thinking and it allowed me to see the application in the Scripture in a way that was new. I can't wait to start in on Monday on the next course. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be a student.
14. Last night I read Warren Wiersbe's succinct definition of ministry: "Ministry takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God." What a description of Therapon U!
15. Linda, I was looking at the clock here in Phoenix, AZ, when the Lord told me that you were sending the information that I asked you about. Thank you for the information. I have been in prayer regarding this, and I knew prior to reading this e-mail that the Lord wants me to complete my credentials to serve Him at Therapon University. I am so grateful to the Lord for having this institution available for me and others.
16. Thank you for your comments on my thesis. I'm so glad I found out about Therapon University and the work you do. This process has really helped me to think through God's best for us and for those he puts in our counseling path for shepherding. You have been a true blessing to me. I hope you have a great day!I'm so excited about becoming a counselor! I know it is God's calling for me--but I want to be as prepared as I can, so I'm grateful for your requirements. I'm so thankful Therapon exists because I'm so isolated geographically wise and I'm just not up for another move at this point in my life.
17. Please forgive me for being so slow in thanking you for being so prompt in sending my Bachelor's degree. I have decided to hold off just a bit to enroll in the Master's program (just a month or so). You will hear from me again soon. I really appreciate what you are doing, and your efficiency in getting it done quickly. May the Lord richly bless you!
18. Linda, you are a blessing to the Kingdom! I'll pray for you. I know there is always a battle when we do the Lord's work!
19. I received your response and thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I discovered Therapon U by doing a web search, but now after going back and forth with all the information, I feel that our Father has led me here. Also, I believe you will begin to see Father use the school more and more to prepare His elect for service. It's quite a blessing and honor, and I'm thrilled for you. I know you will serve Him well! Make the Word of God a curriculum focus for learning, and His blessings will be upon the students. Praise God! Continue to love Him the way you do, for He loves you so much, Linda. The ministry of Therapon U will be a part of the end times to prepare God's soldiers for service against the evil one. The Holy Spirit will do the teaching. Thank you for your assistance in my educational endeavor, and I look forward to working with you in the future.
20. This lesson deeply impacted my life this morning. Thank you for your response and insight. That is why I love TU; the courses are life-transforming.