Therapon University's Statement of Faith
The Scriptures:
WE BELIEVE the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are inspired, inerrant and the fully sufficient Word of God, the complete revelation of His will for salvation of human beings, and the final authority for all matters.
The Trinity:
WE BELIEVE in one God, creator and sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally co-existing in three persons – Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ:
WE BELIEVE that the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ and His bodily resurrection provides the only ground for justification, forgiveness and salvation for all who believe, and only those who trust in Him alone are born of the Holy Spirit, are members of the Body of Christ, and will spend eternity with Christ.
WE BELIEVE in the literal, physical, bodily resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His literal, physical, bodily ascension into Heaven and in His present work there as High Priest and Advocate for us.
WE BELIEVE that human nature derives from two historical persons, male and female, created in the image and likeness of God. They were created perfect, but they sinned, plunging themselves and all human beings into sin, suffering and death. That man is a sinner by nature, by choice and by practice.
The Gospel:
WE BELIEVE the Gospel is the good news that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, that He was buried and arose alive and triumphant from the grave, and in so doing He made the necessary sacrifice for atonement, became the substitute for our redemption which thereby paid our sin debt and purchased our salvation for us, and that all who place theirfaith in full trust to Him are saved by His shed blood.
The Holy Spirit:
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit distributes spiritual gifts to individuals within the Body of Christ as He so chooses and that those gifts are operational today.
The Church:
WE BELIEVE the church is a local, independent assembly of baptized believers who have banded together for the purpose of evangelism, discipleship, and fellowship, and that every Christian should commit himself to such a local church and serve the Lord through that church.
World Evangelism:
WE BELIEVE the Lord's Great Commission to the church was to get the Gospel to the world; and that every Christian should participate in an extensive program of soul-winning evangelism in the home and in a worldwide missionary program abroad, with the goal of winning people to Christ, baptizing them, and teaching them everything the Lord has commanded us.
Christian Counseling:
WE BELIEVE that the ministry of Christian counseling is not limited to the therapeutic elite, but may be performed by Holy Spirit-gifted people within the body of Christ for other members of the body of Christ.