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Pastoral Studies Courses

The courses in this curriculum will teach students how to minister to those in need and prepare for leadership roles in a ministry organization or a church. Courses from the Biblical Studies Curriculum may be applied to this major.



Text:Biblical Management Principles used by permission from © Harvestime International Institute

Course Description:This course shows how Jesus took men who were fishermen, tax collectors, etc., and changed them into reproductive Christians who reached their world with the Gospel in a demonstration of power. Those of us in ministry will learn how to move believers from visualizing to results ... through deputizing, multiplying, organizing, and mobilizing to achieve the goal of evangelizing

This course is the first in a series of three courses in the "Organizing Module" of training. "Principles of Environmental Analysis" should be taken next, and "Management By Objectives" should be taken last.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





TextThe Bible / Workbook by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D.

Course Description:Salvation is the greatest blessing God has ever given to us. He loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son into the world, to die on the cross so that we might have eternal life through Him (1 John 4:9). If that were the only blessing we ever received from God, it would be much more than we deserve. But after we are saved by grace through faith, we become the adopted children of God. Learn how the Lord loves to shower His children with so many blessings that are above and beyond salvation.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:Character Builder by Dr. Albert L. Kurz

Course Description:Character is the God-given, inward motivation to do the right thing - regardless of the circumstances and regardless of the cost. There are over 50 character traits we could study, but this course focuses on 25 of the most important ones. Each lesson is divided into five easy lessons where you can learn:

Credits:3 credit hours

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase



 DISCIPLE MAKER, Part 1 PS-211, Part 2 PS-212


Text:Disciple Maker by Dr. Albert L. Kurz

Course Description:A disciple is someone who learns to live like Jesus — someone who, because of God’s awakening grace, conforms his or her words and ways to the words and ways of Jesus. These are practical lessons for maturing believers to help them along this journey of sanctification.

Credits:3 credit hours each part

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:The Bible / God's End-Time Agenda by John O. Mubenwafor, Th.D. / Workbook by Daniel Hiers, Ph.D., Th.D.

Course Description:A pragmatic explanation of the end times and what to expect during the transition to the end times. This course thoroughly explores the prophecies revealing God’s master plan for the world - from the advent of Jesus through the creation of the new Heaven, the new earth, and the New Jerusalem.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:God's Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty by Rice Broocks
Workbook by Monica Robertson, MBC

Course Description:The goal of offering this course, God’s Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty, is straightforward - to equip our students to help unbelievers find faith in God. To that end, Rice Broocks has outlined a roadmap that guides seekers to acknowledge the most basic truths of Christianity:

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Purchase text from Submit answers online.





Text:God's Top Ten / Videos and Notes by Robert Morris, Pastor Gateway Church; Workbook by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D.

Course Description:When we think of the Ten Commandments, many of us think of a list of rules telling us what not to do. But the truth is God designed the Ten Commandments as a way for us to have a relationship with Him. In this course, Pastor Robert Morris explains how each commandment is actually a principle that draws us into a deeper relationship with Him.

Credits:3 credit hours

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:His Kids / Text and Workbook by Linda Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D.

Course Description:A study of childcare topics, that will prepare Christian child care associates to understand God’s design for child development, and positively impact the lives of children under their care.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:How Miracles Follow Obedience / Text and Workbook by Linda Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D.

Course Description:There is an unmistakable correlation between the miracles the Lord has performed in history and the unusual commands He gave those who obeyed him. Over and over, He asked believers to do things that might have seemed ridiculous at the time – perhaps to themselves as well as the others around them. This course examines several examples where obedience resulted in the release of His miraculous power.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:I Will Pray / Text and Workbook by Monica Robertson

Course Description:A study on every aspect of intercessory prayer and how it affects people and brings change.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:Leaven-Like Evangelism / used by permission from © Harvestime International Institute

Course Description:When we think of statistics in terms of fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to take the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to every creature, we realize we are faced with a great task. This course is written to mobilize and equip believers to fulfill this great challenge. It is a tremendous task, but it is not impossible.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:Major Bible Themes by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer / Text and Workbook / Graduate Level

Course Description:52 vital doctrines of the Scripture are simplified and explained. The study is a scholarly approach to understanding difficult Bible doctrines. The study clearly sets forth the Biblical truths and teachings which long have been cherished by Christian believers.

Credits:3 credits each, Parts 1 & 2

Availability:Purchase text from Submit answers online.





Text:Management by Objectives used by permission from © Harvestime International Institute

Course Description:This course presents a method for conducting Christian ministry in an orderly, effective manner.  It is not enough to just know God's will for your life and ministry.  You must make definite plans to fulfill your spiritual calling. You must learn to work with God to fulfill His purpose and plans.

This course is the last in a series of three courses in the "Organizing Module" of training. "Biblical Management Principles" should be taken first, and "Principles of Environmental Analysis" should be taken second.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:The Names of God by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D.

Course Description:

The Bible, with its diverse collection of books and writings, has presented us with a rich tapestry of names for God. Welcome to a captivating journey exploring these names through a course that unravels the profound and multifaceted nature of our Divine Father.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase



 PREACHING FOR THE REST OF US: Essentials for Text-Driven Preaching PS-303


Text:Preaching for the Rest of Us: Essentials for Text-Driven Preaching by Robby Gallaty and Steven Smith, Workbook by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D.

Course Description:

This book teaches us, step by step, how to present an expository, text-driven sermon that will lead to an invitation to which the listeners will respond.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Purchase text from Submit answers online.





Text:Principles of Environmental Analysis, contributed by Harvestime International Network

Course Description:This course introduces the principles of environmental analysis necessary for organizing and mobilizing spiritual resources for evangelizing. This study stresses the importance of environmental analysis in planning strategies to reach the world with the Gospel.

This course is second in a series of three courses in the "Organizing Module" of training. "Biblical Management Principles" should be taken first, and "Management By Objectives" should be taken last.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:Promises with Strings Attached / Text and Workbook by Linda Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D.

Course Description:

Have you ever wanted God to do something, but you realized that you couldn’t “make Him” do it?  You know, in the long run, that His will and way are best, but you are earnestly praying for something different.

However, although God is sovereign and we have no control over His actions, He has promised in His Word that there are times when He will act on our behalf if we meet certain conditions. In other words, there may be something we must do, a command we must obey, before God will move on our behalf in a certain area of our lives. In this course, we will explore in depth several of these conditional promises, and the blessings that will follow if we obey God.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:The Reliability of the Bible by Prof. Michael Bola Awolola, Th.D., Ph.D.; workbook by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D.

Course Description:The origin, the authorship, the inspiration of the Bible in historic perspective, the teaching, faith and facts of the Bible uncovered.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:Strategic Spiritual Warfare, contributed by Harvestime International Network

Course Description:Jesus recognized the daily struggles we all face. He acknowledged a very real spiritual enemy, and He provided effective strategic spiritual guidelines for dealing with him. To be effective in spiritual warfare, we need to know these spiritual strategies and how to put them into action. In this course, you will actually begin to do warfare through a 15-step interactive program that will guide you in facing the battles of life.

Credits:3 credits

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase




What That Looks Like in the Life of a Believer

Text:Walk Worthy, Text and Workbook by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D.

Course Description:To “walk”, in these lessons, refers to the way we live our lives. In other words, our lifestyle or way of life can be considered a “walk.” Our walk is important to the Lord; we know this because there are 229 instances in the Bible that refer to our walk. As we delve into each reference regarding our walk as a believer, I encourage you to begin adjusting the direction and stride of your walk so that it lines up more and more with the Word, day by day.

Credits:3 credit hours

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase





Text:When God Interrupts, Text and Workbook by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D. & Irene Semu, B.Th.

Course Description:This course was inspired by the worldwide shutdown due to COVID-19. Besides the obvious health impacts of the pandemic, many people are still struggling with the immense emotional, economical, and societal changes it triggered. So I began to wonder, where was God's hand in all this? Were there examples in the Bible of saints whose lives had been interrupted so dramatically? To my surprise, my original outline had notes for over 50 interruptions in the Bible, and they almost always ended with result that the person whose life was interrupted had just received a new assignment from the Lord.

Credits:3 credit hours

Availability:Online Only, nothing to purchase

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