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Training Management Policy


To ensure that all the people within Dunamis World Crusades as well as outside in need of training will receive quality and applied   competence-based training.  This policy will be based on the following two (2) scriptures:  


❖ Ephesians 4:12:  For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.


❖ Matthews 28:19:  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


To supply a Bible based education to the whole Body of Christ.


1. To create a disciplined learning environment whereby all people who have the need can come and learn issues regarding their day to day lives in the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. All people should be trained on the basic foundations of the word so that they can become disciples and go and make other followers of our Lord Jesus Christ.

3. To give those people that has the ministry of a learner, the opportunity to learn the basic technical background skills in which to fulfil that ministry more effectively.

4. To obtain training in the ministry that a person is called and to also be given the opportunity to gain exposure in that as well.

5. To gain basic study, thought, communication and interpersonal skills.

6. To align the training within Dunamis World Crusades to the legal requirements on a national and international level so as to be able to obtain the credit of an end qualification for the learner.

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